Whether you have XLH yourself, or are a caregiver for someone with XLH, you may find yourself attending various appointments, meeting new professionals, and having many things to remember. It can be overwhelming to say the least. 

Not only physically draining to be involved in such a busy schedule, the mental load of keeping track of all that information can also contribute to stress and fatigue. 

We’ve compiled a list of our top tips for keeping track of appointments, so your busy schedule is manageable and stress free!

  1. Consider setting up a designated space in your home to house a calendar, and any appointment cards you’ve been given. Keep a pen, notebook, and phone charger handy for appointment confirmation phone calls, or to write down any to-do’s associated with your schedule.
  2.  A shared calendar is a great way for you and anyone else helping with care to keep track of appointment details. Take advantage of technology by utilizing a shared calendar app, and inviting your spouse or family members to add their information there. Make it a part of your routine to enter appointments into these shared calendars as soon as you’ve received them, so you don’t forget to do it later. You can even add reminders and notes to help you remember.
  3. Keep all appointment information in one spot, ie. date, time, location, contact information, and any special instructions. This makes it easier to access when you need it. Add the details directly onto your calendar, or if using a digital format, add it to the note section of the event. 
  4. Colour coding appointments can help keep things straight! You could have one colour for each member of the family, or use colours to indicate what type of event it is, ie. social events in blue, dental appointments in green, treatments in yellow, etc. This will help draw your eye to what you’re looking for more quickly. You could also use emojis or stickers!
  5. Have a list of professionals that includes their address, contact number, phone extension, and email address in one place so it is easy to access should you need it. 

Setting up some good routines and habits that work for you goes a long way in reducing the stress associated with a busy schedule. Which of these ideas will you give a try? Do you have any other suggestions to help you keep on top of your schedule?